Friday, April 1, 2011

[FOOT] Pleasure Texts

I thought for my "pleasure reading" post, I would talk about a few albums I've been into lately since music is such an important part of my life and then talk about a concert I recently went to.

This is a band named The Motel Life. They released this record, Retreat, this past summer, and I really love it. It's about feeling defeated and getting through those circumstances. It uses a lot of really great metaphors and the musicianship is top notch and very consumable. It's an indie-rock record, but it's very catchy and calm. I highly recommend this band to just about anyone who even listens to music. Check out their tunes on bandcamp where the whole record is streaming.

This is a new song by a band I've been listening to since I was in middle school, Taking Back Sunday. They recently had a re-vamp of their line-up to the original members from their 2003 record Tell All Your Friends. This song is off their upcoming record that's supposed to be released this summer (June 28th, to be exact).

Also, I recently got to see my favorite band, Dance Gavin Dance, perform live last night (March 30th). They are a progressive post-hardcore band from California. What was special about this performance is that this tour (and their most recent record) had 5 of the 6 original members of the band, which they hadn't had since their 2007 debut full-length, Downtown Battle Mountain. I talked about this record during my powerpoint presentation earlier in the year. Anyhow, the performance was great and it was awesome to see one of my favorite bands with (most of) their original line-up. The opening bands who were on the tour weren't anything special to talk about, but the band I Wrestled A Bear Once played, and they're a very weird experimental grindcore act that I think is...well, an interesting listen, to say the least. It was a great time, and I love being at concerts. A band I was filling in for even opened the show, so I got to share the stage with one of my favorite bands last night. Here's their most famous song, "And I Told Them I Invented Times New Roman."

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