Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Chapter 6

As most of us in this class are future English teachers, we are also natural readers. With this comes our desire to predict what is going to happen next in a novel, or really any life situation. We are natural "front loaders." We are future thinkers because we want to know what happens next. Chapter 6 focused on this. From engaging students before they even read the text, to continuing to anticipate the next move, it's all about teaching kids to think in advance and hypothesize the next move. What i think it awesome about this idea is that it's not only applicable to reading, but is a valuable life skill that can easily be taught through reading.

1 comment:

kristypytash said...

You have a good point... many English teachers enjoy readers and are "expert" readers. We have to remember not every student in our class is going to enjoy reading or be an expert reader. It is important we provide our students opportunities to read books they can and want to read. We also have to demonstrate how we (as expert readers) read and think about text. We can't assume our students will come into class with this knowledge.

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